The National Maritime Museum praises itself with a beautiful collection of sailing heritage. At the jetty outside the museum, you will find three ships you definitely should not miss during a visit: East Indiaman Amsterdam (a replica of the famous ship that got lost on its first voyage in 1749), powerhouse ss Christiaan Brunings from 1900 and the Royal Barge from 1818.

East Indiaman Amsterdam
This is a replica Dutch East Indiaman ship, on the jetty of the National Maritime Museum.

The Royal Barge
Between 1816 and 1818, the Royal Barge, also known as the Royal Chaloupe, was designed and built for the Dutch Royal Family. 200 years after its construction, this richly decorated rowing boat is located in its own ship house on the jetty of the museum.

Steam ship Christiaan Brunings
The steamship Christiaan Brunings, an ice breaker from 1900, is located at the jetty of the National Maritime Museum. The fascinating machine room can be admired on board.