Here you will find a complete alphabetical overview of all funds and foundations that have contributed to The National Maritime Museum.
The National Maritime Museum receives an annual contribution from the VriendenLoterij. We use this contribution for acquisitions, restoration, and making the collection accessible and presentable. Additionally, participants can admire what they help make possible with their VriendenLoterij VIP Card.
Ministerie Onderwijs Cultuur en Wetenschap
The National Maritime Museum receives a structural (annual) subsidy from the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science.
Funds and Foundations
Andla Fonds
Contributes to our society through funding, preservation, and development of cultural heritage, art, science, and nature. Andla Fund supported the museum in making the Solebay Tapestries presentable.
The Blockbuster Fund was established in 2012 by the VandenEnde Foundation, the Cultuurfonds, VSBfonds, and the VriendenLoterij. They collaborate within the Blockbuster Fund to help make exceptional cultural projects possible. The foundation for the fund was laid during the Mandeville Lecture in 2011, where Joop van den Ende advocated for greater investment in culture and cultural entrepreneurship. The fund contributed through the XTRA program to the exhibition Food for Thought (2023).
Fonds 21
Fonds 21 is an entrepreneurial and socially engaged fund that aims to make a positive contribution to today’s society by supporting non-profit art and cultural projects. Fonds 21 (formerly SNS Reaal Fonds) contributed to the Fellowships Program and the exhibitions Willem van de Velde: Father & Son (2021) and Man at Sea (2022).
Gijzelaar Hintzenfonds
The fund aims to promote artistic appreciation, understanding, and knowledge of visual arts among a broad audience. The fund provided financial support for the realization of the 2015 yearbook.
Janivo Stichting
The Janivo Foundation provides financial support for projects in the fields of society, art, and scientific medical research. The foundation supported the museum in the realization of the educational space ‘Het Vooronder’ during the 2011 renovation.
Kattendijke/Drucker stichting
The Kattendijke/Drucker Foundation provides financial support to institutions in the religious, cultural, and social sectors. The museum received a financial contribution from the foundation for the yearbooks of 2009 and 2011, as well as for the development of an educational program on the Atlases (2014).
K.f. Hein Fonds
The foundation, established by Karl Friederich Hein in 1938, focuses on promoting monument conservation, nature preservation, culture and public education, performing arts, public health, and social work. The foundation provided financial support for the development of the educational program for Zwarte Bladzijde (2013).
M.A.O.C. Gravin van Bylandt Stichting
The foundation supports institutions and projects of general interest for humans or animals in the Netherlands. It places great importance on the preservation of cultural and art-historical heritage in the country. The museum received financial support for the Fellowships Program, the yearbooks of 2008 and 2009, the restoration of the Atlases (2014), and the exhibition Willem van de Velde & Son (2021).
Mondriaan Fonds
The Mondriaan Fund is the public incentive fund for visual arts and cultural heritage. The fund supported the museum in making significant acquisitions, such as View of 's Lands Zeemagazijn by Reinier Nooms, Portrait of Admiral Cornelis Tromp by Ferdinand Bol, and the Solebay Tapestries. It also contributed to special exhibition projects, including De Zwarte Bladzijde (2013), Ultimate Sailor (2016), Gamechangers (2017), and Ms Oranje | Course Changed (2018). Additionally, it supported permanent exhibitions such as the Main Gallery: Republic at Sea and Cartography & Curiosa (2019), Rising Water & Struggle for Ice (2019), Willem van de Velde & Son (2021), and Man at Sea (2022). The fund also contributed to educational projects, including the Whale Weeks (2015-2016 and 2017-2018), and sustainability initiatives such as the Sustainability in Museums meet-ups and the knowledge platform Atlas | The Future of Exhibitions (2022 and 2023).
Nico Nap Foundation
The Nico Nap Foundation aims to support institutions that serve the public good, with a particular focus on art, culture, and cultural heritage. The fund made a significant financial contribution to the exhibition Drijfveer | 100 Years of Collecting, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the VNHSM, as well as to the retrospective Willem van de Velde & Son (2021).
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
The Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds supports culture, nature, and science through financial contributions, commissions, awards, and scholarships. The fund supported the realization of themed exhibitions during the museum's renovation in 2011 and contributed to the exhibition Willem van de Velde & Son (2021).
P.W. Janssen's Friessche Stichting aims to contribute to the promotion of public education in Friesland and Amsterdam by supporting projects in the fields of culture, heritage, and social well-being. The foundation provided financial support for the exhibitions De Zwarte Bladzijde (2013) and Main Gallery: Republic at Sea, Cartography & Curiosa (2019).
Samenwerkende Maritieme Fondsen
Samenwerkende Maritieme Fondsen is a collaboration of the six historical maritime funds listed below, aiming to enhance their collective social impact. Their shared objective is to stimulate and strengthen the role of the Netherlands as a maritime nation, with a focus on the past, present, and future.
The SMF contributed to the exhibition Main Gallery: Republic at Sea (2019), the acquisition of the Solebay Tapestries (2020), the Fellowships Program (2020-2024), and the educational program Lesson Up x The National Maritime Museum (2020).
- Admiraal van Kinsbergenfonds
The fund in memory of Admiral Van Kinsbergen has supported the museum in various projects, including the restoration and digitization of the Atlases and Globes (2011), as well as the Fellowships Program. - Vaderlandsch Fonds ter aanmoediging van ’s-lands zeedienst
Promotes the interests of Dutch maritime affairs and has supported the museum in various projects, including the Fellowships Program, the 2011 and 2014 yearbooks of the Vereeniging Nederlandsch Historisch Scheepvaart Museum, the exhibition De Zwarte Bladzijde (2013), the restoration and digitization of the Atlases, and the temporary exhibition Gamechangers (2017). - Dorus Rijkers Fonds
Provides grants to charitable, cultural, scientific, educational, or public-benefit institutions with a maritime background based in the Netherlands. It also allocates funds for the preservation of maritime cultural assets. The fund has contributed to the Globes (2011), the restoration and digitization of the Atlases, and the temporary exhibition Gamechangers (2017). - Fonds Directie Oostersche handel en rederijen
Aims to provide financial support for activities that enhance knowledge—both among scholars and the general public—of Dutch maritime history, particularly regarding Dutch overseas trade in the Baltic Sea region. The fund has contributed to the Globes (2011), the Fellowships Program, the restoration and digitization of the Atlases, and the temporary exhibition Gamechangers (2017). - Stichting N.I.S.S.
Provides financial support for projects with a maritime focus. The museum received a contribution for the Yearbooks of 2009, 2010, and 2011, as well as for the restoration and digitization of the Atlases. - Vereniging de Prins Hendrik Stichting
Contributes to initiatives related to Dutch maritime and inland navigation. The foundation provided financial support for the Yearbooks of 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014, the exhibition De Zwarte Bladzijde, the restoration and digitization of the Atlases, and the temporary exhibition Gamechangers (2017).
Stichting Goede Doelen nh1816
Supports socially relevant projects in the fields of art and culture, as well as healthcare. The foundation provided financial support for the 2016 anniversary yearbook.
Stichting Gieskes Strijbis Fonds
Works proactively and focuses on projects that can create a breakthrough. The Gieskes-Strijbis Fund emphasizes larger, multi-year projects. Art makes life worthwhile, and the fund aims to strengthen the entire chain of cultural experience. The fund contributed to the realization of the interactive exhibition See You in the Golden Age (2011).
Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds
The foundation, established by Elise Mathilde van Beuningen, invests in projects and institutions that pursue a general social, cultural, or ideological goal, thereby improving and strengthening the social structure. The fund provided financial support for the exhibition De Zwarte Bladzijde (2013).
Dr. Hendrik Muller’s Vaderlandsch Fonds
The fund subsidizes various cultural initiatives of national significance and provided financial support for the restoration of the Atlases (2014).
Stichting Herdenking Slavernijverleden 2013
The foundation provided financial support for the exhibition De Zwarte Bladzijde (2013).
Stichting Kunstbezit Koninklijke Nedlloyd
The primary objectives of the Stichting Kunstbezit Koninklijke Nedlloyd are the management, preservation, and accessibility of the Koninklijke Nedlloyd collection. The foundation provided financial support for the Fellowships Program and the 2018 Yearbook.
Stichting de Leeuwenberg
The foundation provided financial support for the production of the Yearbooks of 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, and 2015.
Stichting Zabawas
ChatGPT said: The foundation provides financial support to individuals and/or institutions that serve the public interest in the fields of Culture, Nature, Medicine, Sports, and Education. Stichting Zabawas has contributed to the exhibitions: De Zwarte Bladzijde (education, 2013), Life on Board (education, 2015), Ms Oranje | Course Changed (2018), Willem van de Velde & Son (2021), and Food for Thought (2023).
Turing Foundation
The Turing Foundation aims to bring the enjoyment of art to people in the Netherlands. The fund supports visual art exhibitions, publications of Dutch poetry, and live performances of classical music. It contributed to the exhibition Willem van de Velde & Son (2021).
Vereniging Rembrandt
A world-class public art collection in Dutch museums—that is the ambition of Vereniging Rembrandt. The association has supported the museum in acquiring 13 significant artworks, including: Famille Noire Figure of an African (2018), Reinier Nooms, View of 's Lands Zeemagazijn (1664, acquired in 2016), and the Van de Velde Tapestries (2020).
The VSBfonds believes that the impact of art on individuals creates positive effects in society. The fund has contributed to various projects and exhibitions, including: The Sea Voyage (2011), De Zwarte Bladzijde (2013), Gamechangers (2017), Ms Oranje | Course Changed (2018), and Republic at Sea & Cartography & Curiosa (2019).
Fonds op naam
Stichting ‘Het Meyjes Fonds’: Meyjes Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Fonds Scheepsbouw
The Meyjes Fund Foundation was established in 1904 by Jeremias Meyjes Jr. and Mr. Fokke Eduard Posthumus Meyjes. The foundation's primary objective was initially to provide assistance to members and descendants of the Meyjes family but has recently been expanded to include related objectives. The proceeds from the Meyjes Scientific Research Fund for Shipbuilding will be used to appoint a scientific researcher for a five-year period to study the history of Dutch shipbuilding, with a particular focus on Amsterdam’s wooden shipbuilding industry.